What a wonderful Christmas. Thank you everybody for your gifts, and even more so for your thoughts and prayers for Jonathan these past few months.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Williams Winter Home. "HEY YOU, GET OFF MY DRIVEWAY!"
Williams Winter Home. "HEY YOU, GET OFF MY DRIVEWAY!"
Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson@sbcglobal.net
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
i love christmas
There are a few new pictures at flickr, check them out. Jonathan is as cute as ever!
Simba remember who you are
When Edith and I hand JD off to each other, holding him like this, it always reminds us of The Lion King. This is Jonathan center stage this past Sunday during his dedication. As the pastor prayed Jonathan decided to translate it into baby, crying a little every 10 seconds, stopping to let the prayer continue, then starting up again. The smiles and laughs from the congregation were aimed at Edith and me.
Time has been flying by, and it is hard to believe that we are only a few short days away from Christmas. It is a little sad because Edith and I love Christmas but don't really feel like we had a chance to soak it all in this year.
In case I don't post anything else in the next couple days, Merry Christmas to you all!
Time has been flying by, and it is hard to believe that we are only a few short days away from Christmas. It is a little sad because Edith and I love Christmas but don't really feel like we had a chance to soak it all in this year.
In case I don't post anything else in the next couple days, Merry Christmas to you all!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Reindeer Round Up
It has been way to long since I put anything on the blog and I am sorry about that. I have been so busy lately that I just didn't make the time, plus I couldn't find the cable for my camera to upload pictures. So now we have a dozen or so new pictures up on flickr, most of them with a Christmas feel to them.
Things are going well here, not much news to report. We are happy and feel blessed everyday by the smile of Jonathan. He really has started to recognize
things more. We got him a new Looney Toons Mobile that he really loves, he just laughs and laughs as it goes around. He will even fall asleep to it on occasion.
Things are going well here, not much news to report. We are happy and feel blessed everyday by the smile of Jonathan. He really has started to recognize
things more. We got him a new Looney Toons Mobile that he really loves, he just laughs and laughs as it goes around. He will even fall asleep to it on occasion.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
What's the matter, never seen a baby reindeer before?
About this outfit, he wore it once. Turns out we got a 0-3 month for him at the store and discovered he needed 3-6. DOH! But the hat really completes the look.
Jonathan had his shots yesterday and was not very happy about it. The crying level went from 0-60 in a second and of course it broke the hearts of his mommy and daddy to see him crying so hard. The tears made his long curly eyelashes stick together and his face all red.
But out of this visit came lots of positive news. Jonathan is 12.5 pounds and 23 inches. Just another 7 inches and he will be half the size of Edith...YIKES, that will start making feedings interesting.
The best news however, and many who read the blog won't know about this as we kept it within the family ranks, is that Jonathan is healthy in every way. Because one test came back abnormal at the hospital they feared, even though he didn't have any signs other than some early extra weight loss, that Jonathan could have cystic fibrosis. So the test results came back, and they were all spectacular, not even close to being in a questionable range. This was another stressfull experience, a few months into the pregnancy we did a test that came back saying he might have downs syndrome, which obviously turned out wrong. The conception date was off by a couple weeks which messed up the time sensitive test.
This was a long entry, had a lot to say. Very happy about JD being healthy, it has been a long week and it is nice to have some positive news.
More pictures coming soon.
Jonathan had his shots yesterday and was not very happy about it. The crying level went from 0-60 in a second and of course it broke the hearts of his mommy and daddy to see him crying so hard. The tears made his long curly eyelashes stick together and his face all red.
But out of this visit came lots of positive news. Jonathan is 12.5 pounds and 23 inches. Just another 7 inches and he will be half the size of Edith...YIKES, that will start making feedings interesting.
The best news however, and many who read the blog won't know about this as we kept it within the family ranks, is that Jonathan is healthy in every way. Because one test came back abnormal at the hospital they feared, even though he didn't have any signs other than some early extra weight loss, that Jonathan could have cystic fibrosis. So the test results came back, and they were all spectacular, not even close to being in a questionable range. This was another stressfull experience, a few months into the pregnancy we did a test that came back saying he might have downs syndrome, which obviously turned out wrong. The conception date was off by a couple weeks which messed up the time sensitive test.
This was a long entry, had a lot to say. Very happy about JD being healthy, it has been a long week and it is nice to have some positive news.
More pictures coming soon.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Rock On Broncos
Yep, best picture of Jonathan yet. He is waiving the "ROCK ON" hand while smiling in his awesome Bronco outfit.
Yeah the Santa Suit is cute, so is the Reindeer one we have, but you can't beat this picture.
Yeah the Santa Suit is cute, so is the Reindeer one we have, but you can't beat this picture.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Little Santa
Think this is cute, make sure to click on the picture to see all the other new photos.
Tonight was a good night, with bad news. Jonathan dressed up as Santa and we decorated the Christmas tree while listening to Relient K's Christmas album.
But as I said there is some bad news. I must ask that you keep my family in your prayers, my Uncle George has passed away due to cancer. His promotion to glory did not come as a surprise but I know we all hoped and prayed for him to hang on for a miracle.
Oddly enough I can only think that George would be very happy to see little Jonathan dressed as Santa as George was a Santa wanna be. He definetly had the look, white hair, white beard, and a belly that shaked like jelly. Sickness the past few years had stopped him from dressing up as Old St. Nick as much as he would like, but I know that as sad as it is to see him go, he will be spending this Christmas with the man that was the babe.
Tonight was a good night, with bad news. Jonathan dressed up as Santa and we decorated the Christmas tree while listening to Relient K's Christmas album.
But as I said there is some bad news. I must ask that you keep my family in your prayers, my Uncle George has passed away due to cancer. His promotion to glory did not come as a surprise but I know we all hoped and prayed for him to hang on for a miracle.
Oddly enough I can only think that George would be very happy to see little Jonathan dressed as Santa as George was a Santa wanna be. He definetly had the look, white hair, white beard, and a belly that shaked like jelly. Sickness the past few years had stopped him from dressing up as Old St. Nick as much as he would like, but I know that as sad as it is to see him go, he will be spending this Christmas with the man that was the babe.
Monday, November 26, 2007
One of these Mickey's doesn't belong
So we have a few Mickey Mouse stuffed animals around, two actually were bought for Jonathan, the rest we got for us at some point. The Christmas ones are ours, two of our favorite things, Christmas and Disney.
Things are going well, we had a nice Thanksgiving, it was great to have some days off after some hard work.
Jonathan is already fitting 3 month old outfits and his head fits 3-6. Crazy kid just keeps on growing.
Please keep us in your prayers as always, plus if your not family and don't already know. Please keep my Uncle George and his family in your prayers, he is batteling cancer and things have not been going well these last few days.
Things are going well, we had a nice Thanksgiving, it was great to have some days off after some hard work.
Jonathan is already fitting 3 month old outfits and his head fits 3-6. Crazy kid just keeps on growing.
Please keep us in your prayers as always, plus if your not family and don't already know. Please keep my Uncle George and his family in your prayers, he is batteling cancer and things have not been going well these last few days.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Saturday Morning Chiquita
Check out the Flickr site to see the full picture with me curled up on the couch as well.
This is what it has resorted to, me and the dog, out on the couch, sleeping at 10am in the morning. :)
This is what it has resorted to, me and the dog, out on the couch, sleeping at 10am in the morning. :)
Great Grandpa
This is Edith's Grandpa visiting from Mexico. I got to meet him when we went to Oaxaca last time with her mom, he is very nice guy. We are really happy that him and Jonathan got to meet.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Don't have many pictures of Edith and Jonathan so had to post a couple. Jonathan seems to be getting more playful, being able just to sit and relax, unlike before where it was either eating or sleeping.
The next time we buy diapers it will be size 1, no more newborn sizes. Now that he has hit 10lbs he is ready for the upgrade.
The next time we buy diapers it will be size 1, no more newborn sizes. Now that he has hit 10lbs he is ready for the upgrade.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Growing Up
Today we went and visited the CHOC clinic where Edith works. Everybody was very happy to see Jonathan and when we couldn't tell them exactly how big or how much he weighed because it has been a few weeks since the last doctors appointment. So off to the scale we went and the results of the weigh in are.
10 lbs
22 1/4 inches long
So after 6 weeks, today is six weeks by the way. Jonathan has gained 2.5 pounds, actually he has gained more than that since babies lose 10% of their baby weight which Jonathan did, and some, So it is more like 3.5 pounds. He was 19 1/2 inches at birth.
10 lbs
22 1/4 inches long
So after 6 weeks, today is six weeks by the way. Jonathan has gained 2.5 pounds, actually he has gained more than that since babies lose 10% of their baby weight which Jonathan did, and some, So it is more like 3.5 pounds. He was 19 1/2 inches at birth.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
So like I said before, lots of work this month. Tonight took me and a friend to Hollywood to film a special event at the Laugh Factory for the Salvation Army. Anyways we parked across the street in a big structure of a mall, we go, pay at the auto teller and wait at the elevator. The elevator doors open up and Lindsey Lohan walks out with some people. Way to weird. She blew right by us, maybe the fact that we both had camcorders on tripods made her think we were paparazi! :)
So yeah, that was weird
So yeah, that was weird
Pooh Bear and PaPa Bear
Wow am I tired, as is Edith. Jonathan keeps us busy, as much as a baby should I guess, but having to work this month really has taken a toll. I am exhausted, it is one of my busiest months with different events, and Edith is tired because I'm not there to help as much and not very usefull after midnight.
Today is a really weird day as I left at my normal time and won't get back till 11pm or so becaue of some filming I have to do. Then tomorrow I have to be back at work by 7:30am. Mountain Dew and Zingers here I come!
Today is a really weird day as I left at my normal time and won't get back till 11pm or so becaue of some filming I have to do. Then tomorrow I have to be back at work by 7:30am. Mountain Dew and Zingers here I come!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Here is a link to a video of Jonathan, he just keeps growing and growing. There are a couple new pics at flickr as well.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Editing a video
At men's camp I took a break from working on a video for a photo op! Many things are in this pic, my new work Mac, the simpsons, my ipod, mickey, and of course me and JD
Busy Busy
Sorry for the lack of updates and pictures this past week. Pictures need to get uploaded so look for that tonight maybe.
Things are going okay, tired after a long weekend at Men's Camp. Edith and Jonathan went up with me but spent most of the time in the room. Still it was a nice weekend and Jonathan behaved very well.
This is a really busy month for me as it relates to work so don't be to shocked if my updates aren't rolling in as often.
Things are going okay, tired after a long weekend at Men's Camp. Edith and Jonathan went up with me but spent most of the time in the room. Still it was a nice weekend and Jonathan behaved very well.
This is a really busy month for me as it relates to work so don't be to shocked if my updates aren't rolling in as often.
Monday, October 29, 2007
What a team
Well Brett Farve burned the Broncos in overtime tonight but thats okay. Jonathan and I had a good time watching the game together. There are a couple more photos up on the flickr site. Just click this picture to get to them.
A small prayer request. Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers as in regards to health. Work is busy for me, which often makes my immune system drop, Edith obviously gets very little rest, and Jonathan needs your continued prayers and support for happy health.
A small prayer request. Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers as in regards to health. Work is busy for me, which often makes my immune system drop, Edith obviously gets very little rest, and Jonathan needs your continued prayers and support for happy health.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Father Knows Best and the Prodigal Pug
Me and Jonathan crashed for a little bit tonight. He actually isn't sleeping as much anymore, which makes the days crazy. I think he spends more time eating during the day now than sleeping. But hey, so do I!
So Chiquita the Wonder Pug got out into the back yard yesterday. The backyard for those who don't know is pretty massive. All of a sudden Ediths brother was like, "where's the dog?", that was when we saw the back door was open. Chiquita is so small she could get out under the gates so there was some concern, but after a little bit of calling she ran on of the darkness. Our own Prodigal Pug! :)
So Chiquita the Wonder Pug got out into the back yard yesterday. The backyard for those who don't know is pretty massive. All of a sudden Ediths brother was like, "where's the dog?", that was when we saw the back door was open. Chiquita is so small she could get out under the gates so there was some concern, but after a little bit of calling she ran on of the darkness. Our own Prodigal Pug! :)
first real bath
This is Jonathan after his first "REAL" bath, mom and grandma ortiz did it all. I was out running errands. From what I hear it was a mixed time of emotions. That is a little duck hoodie he has on there, it is hard to tell though.
Friday, October 26, 2007
another photo
Just another photo to share, I am trying to post one up every 2-3 days. I know it is a crazy amount of photos, but he is just so handsome, how can we resist sharing him with everybody.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Pondering his position
That is Jonathan, the future football star. That is of course if he decides to play football, as any dad would say, he can grow up to be anything he wants to be....excluding an Oakland Raider Fan.
So last night I was changing his diaper and all of a sudden there was poo everywhere, it just kept coming and coming. Poop, Poop, and more liquidy poop. YUCK. We had a good laugh, I still think him peeinglike a fountain was funnier though, of course maybe that was because it happened to Edith and not me.
So last night I was changing his diaper and all of a sudden there was poo everywhere, it just kept coming and coming. Poop, Poop, and more liquidy poop. YUCK. We had a good laugh, I still think him peeinglike a fountain was funnier though, of course maybe that was because it happened to Edith and not me.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
For those of you who didn't know, I took to calling Jonathan Popeye before we had a name for him. Well, without even seeing and episode of Popeye he has decided to do his best imitation. Edith wouldn't let me give him a corn pipe, but still not bad huh?
Things are good here, the fires are crazy though. They are all a good distance away, although we did have a little ash on the cars this morning from the OC fire. Not as bad as a few years ago though. The sky was darker then usual tonight before the sun was even ready to set due to all the smoke.
Things are good here, the fires are crazy though. They are all a good distance away, although we did have a little ash on the cars this morning from the OC fire. Not as bad as a few years ago though. The sky was darker then usual tonight before the sun was even ready to set due to all the smoke.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Watching the Bronco game with Jonathan as Edith takes a break. Much better game so far tonight compared to our last game together! (Chargers crushed the Broncos!) I got some great Bronco gear for Jonathan from my sister Tricia, should fit any day now. Jonathan keeps growing and growing.
Here is a cute picture of him, a little fuzzy because I didn't use the flash, wanted his eyes OPEN!
Here is a cute picture of him, a little fuzzy because I didn't use the flash, wanted his eyes OPEN!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Been busy with Jonathan these last few days. Nice to have my mom and dad in town, and they are enjoying time with Jonathan as well. Last couple days though we aren't ready to get out of the house till the afternoon. We are slaves to Jonathan and his sleeping and eating schedule.
That all said I am a very happy daddy. Jonathan is awesome, handsome, and the best of Edith and me. Only thing that is sad is that I have to leave and return to work at the end of the week.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Houston we have a Peeblem
Doing his best imitation of a fountain Jonathan let lose today all over his momma. It was a funny moment to start off the day. That little spot on the camera isn't pee, at least I don't think it is! :)
Jonathan is dong well, although he likes staying up for hours at a time and then sleeping at hours at a time, which isn't very good as he is suppose to be on s 2-3 hour eating schedule. But other than that all is well.
My parents came to visit for a few days, it was very nice to have them here for a few days
Jonathan is dong well, although he likes staying up for hours at a time and then sleeping at hours at a time, which isn't very good as he is suppose to be on s 2-3 hour eating schedule. But other than that all is well.
My parents came to visit for a few days, it was very nice to have them here for a few days
Monday, October 8, 2007
He looks like Edith.
This phrase I here over and over again. And although we see some features in him that resemble me, I have to agree that there is no mistaking that he is the son of Edith. Check out these pictures of Edith and Jonathan.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Jonathan and a Mouse
This is a My First Mickey from Disneyland. Still awhile till Jonathan gets to experience the Happiest Place on Earth so this will have to do for now! :)
Friday, October 5, 2007
Back at Home
Here is the link to a new video. Check out those eyes!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
If you didn't get the email and you just check the blog check out..I will try to update it!
It has a bunch of pictures.
Edith and Jonathan are both doing well, thank you all for your continued prayers.
It has a bunch of pictures.
Edith and Jonathan are both doing well, thank you all for your continued prayers.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Jonathan Douglas

Check out the following link for a video of little JD
Sunday, September 30, 2007
One last visit
No baby as of right now, so it is starting to look more and more likely that we will be going in this Monday to start the process of inducing for Tuesday morning.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Big update..but still no baby
So here is the biggest update in the history of the blog. If Edith doesn't give birth by Monday night, we will be going to the hospital so that on Tuesday they will induce labor. The baby is just getting so big they don't want to wait any more. So there it is, October 2nd or before Baby Williams will be here.
Here are some pictures from baby showers Edith has had.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A gallon of water.
Just over 8 pounds, that is the estimated size right now of baby williams. Pretty big, hopefully as he continues to grow he won't get too big and cause problems. He is already pretty pushy, or so Edith tells me. Just continue to keep us in your prayers.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
My Chubby Little Boy

Hot off the presses, the latest, and what should be the last ultrasound picture. I know it is a bit like where's waldo so here is the closeup of his face.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Just a couple things
Only 3 weeks to go, unless the baby decides to show up early. Edith had a baby shower at work, which was very nice.

Edith is now done with work until she returns awhile after the baby comes.
Doctor appointments are every week, an ultrasound this coming Tuesday.
In ME news, it was my birthday on Saturday. We went to Disneyland and had dinner at the Blue Bayou. Edith made me go to City Hall and get a button that said Happy Birthday...well she didn't MAKE me...but she took me!

Of course then we left and I stopped at Ralphs to pick up some stuff. Not till I was walking out did I notice that I still had on my pin. Nobody said anything, but I felt like a GOOF!
Edith is now done with work until she returns awhile after the baby comes.
Doctor appointments are every week, an ultrasound this coming Tuesday.
In ME news, it was my birthday on Saturday. We went to Disneyland and had dinner at the Blue Bayou. Edith made me go to City Hall and get a button that said Happy Birthday...well she didn't MAKE me...but she took me!
Of course then we left and I stopped at Ralphs to pick up some stuff. Not till I was walking out did I notice that I still had on my pin. Nobody said anything, but I felt like a GOOF!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Months down to Weeks

As of today Edith is 36 weeks. Not only is it amazing that we are getting so close, but it is amazing how far we have come and how fast the time has gone by. Last night Edith was putting the finishing touches on a scrapbook of pictures from our visit to Disney World this past January. And now it is only 110 days till Christmas!
I just saw that blogger.com, the site I am using, now allows for me to upload video into the blog. This is very exciting, and great timing. As things go along I will now be able to put up little video clips of the baby!
Yes, I will continue the blog after the baby comes. Have to keep all the family updated!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Favorite Picture
As Chiquita is snoring away in her bed right now I saw that I hadn't put my favorite picture of her up on the blog.
It is sorta crazy when you see that we are only 33 days away from the due date. People are telling Edith that she looks like she is ready to give birth already, and with the heat I know she wouldn't mind that too much! It's been in the 90's which isn't cool in any sense of the word.
In the nursery picture below it is sorta hard to see, but on the changing table is a little brown dog. I am proud to say that this is a stuffed animal that I got when I was born, and now I can pass it onto my son!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Not much to report, another week is cruising by. Thought I would share a couple photos though.
The "nursery"
Chiquitas new bed
Me getting my rest while I can
Edith and Chiquita posing

The "nursery"
Chiquitas new bed
Me getting my rest while I can
Edith and Chiquita posing
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