It's the tying part that is tricky, well at least for me, tying them so Jonathan can't get them untied. He is a little Houdinin, I double knotted them and everything, but he pulls and pulls and gets them undone. Then he wants to suck on them, silly kid. Grandma Ortiz got us these shoes, size 4, his first pair of shoes that fit and they are size 4! Well he had another pair but we never tried them on, and when we finally did we found out his foot was to big for them.
Sidenote: Edith and I went to see Phantom of the Opera on Sunday, it was pretty good, Les Mis. was better though, we saw that a few years ago.
Monday, March 31, 2008
teething..sweet relief
This is a "cool" teething ring. You put it in the freezer and it gets nice a cool, Jonathan enjoys it very much when his gums start hurting. As you can tell from the picture, he isn't his normal smiling self when he feels the teeth coming in.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
so cool
So we went to Disneyland today, check out flicker to see the family portrait, and Edith had to feed Jonathan. We went to the baby center where they have a blocked off area where only mom's and babies get to go sit in rocking chairs and feed. Edith had a conversation with another mom who had a baby about the size of Jonathan. The conversation soon led them to discover that they were born on the same day! Crazy huh? He was a big boy to, although Jonathan at 20 lbs had 2 pounds on him, the other boy looked just as big, maybe a little longer.
That's right...we have a grumpy baby. Not because of the oversized hat, or the baby beard, but because of incoming teeth. You can see them coming in, right in the lower front gums, and Jonathan isn't to please about it. Yesterday he had such a hard time he only slept while eating, plus one 45 minute nap, that compared to his normal 2 hours or so morning and afternoon. So pray for Jonathan, of course this is something we knew was coming but it is hard on everyone when he starts crying those crocodile tears.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
follow up picture
I forgot that Edith took a picture of this moment. As discussed below, this is right after Jonathan....well you know.....all over my leg.
two clowns
Not to much going on right now outside the norm. Jonathan is trying some new foods, carrots, bannanas, etc. A week on each one just in case he has a bad reaction.
My car is still getting worked on, very thankful that Edith's job is now so flexible that we can survive with one for a couple weeks. There has been an issue with the insurance on the side of the guy who hit me, so everything is getting payed for but I will have to pony up my deductible and hope to get it back at some point in time. God is watching over us though, first of course because I wasn't hurt, but I got a check from AFLAC to compensate for the hospital stay when Jonathan was born....was the same as my deductable, plus $10, McDonalds here we come. ("Edith, dear, I know it ain't our anniversary or nothin' but you know what...tonight we are going to Super Size it!)
My car is still getting worked on, very thankful that Edith's job is now so flexible that we can survive with one for a couple weeks. There has been an issue with the insurance on the side of the guy who hit me, so everything is getting payed for but I will have to pony up my deductible and hope to get it back at some point in time. God is watching over us though, first of course because I wasn't hurt, but I got a check from AFLAC to compensate for the hospital stay when Jonathan was born....was the same as my deductable, plus $10, McDonalds here we come. ("Edith, dear, I know it ain't our anniversary or nothin' but you know what...tonight we are going to Super Size it!)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
Another holiday has come and gone. But Happy Easter to you all! Jonathan loves getting on top of Edith and giving her kisses, and everybody starts laughing!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A vampires worst enemy..steak!
I am trying to turn myself into a bbq king, got myself a book with all kinds of tasty recipes. Tonight I wanted to make Edith's favorite, Filet Mignon. It came out really, really, really good. And that isn't just me saying that, Edith gave me two thumbs up! (If she had a third hand it would have been 3!)
I still got a lot to learn, but I just find it fun to make different things, and doing it on the grill just seems like the most manly way possible. Of course I will never give up my love for cheesecakes! I wonder if I can make a cheesecake on a bbq..hmmmm
learning to crawl
We bought this alphabet foam flooring that locks together like a puzzle. Trying to give Jonathan some practice with crawling. He still most just shifts and shimmy's his way forward little by little. He has a lot to move and isn't sure how to move it all yet.
My name is..
JONATHAN! We bought this online at the DisneyStore, pretty cute. This morning after eating Jonathan had an explosion of poo, we decided it was time for a bath! So as mom and Grandma got the bath ready I was holding Jonathan, wrapped in a bathrobe, but naked, or should I say butt naked? So Jonathan is sitting on my lap and we are waiting for the call to head to the bathroom when all of a sudden my leg felt very warm. DOH! Should have left a diaper on, didn't remember what it felt like to pee ones pants, do now! (As I type this I can imagine my mom laughing as she reads it.)
We went to Disneyland yesterday and took a ride in the monorail. It was actually the first time ANY of us had ever been in the front with the driver. It was pretty cool actually, Edith took this great picture. Also with us were an asian couple, who were very excited to be in the front and at Dinseyland. So much that the lady asked if she could take a picture of Jonathan because he was so cute in his Mickey hat and shirt. We know Jonathan is the cutest baby in the world, now he will be known worldwide though!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
A new day
Jonathan is just about big enough for this cool little bouncer. He still needs a little padding below his feet so he doesn't have to be on his tippy toes. He likes just about everything on it, although his favorites seem to be the dragon, the globe, and the animal buttons that make noise when you push them.
My car is in the shop, my insurance called me today and said the estimated date to finish the work isn't until the 5th. YIKES! They are replacing the entire door because the structure was compromised, and of course everything that was broken and severed on the right hand side, plus some things that connected over to the left.
Three day weekend coming up though for me so that should help take the edge off.
My car is in the shop, my insurance called me today and said the estimated date to finish the work isn't until the 5th. YIKES! They are replacing the entire door because the structure was compromised, and of course everything that was broken and severed on the right hand side, plus some things that connected over to the left.
Three day weekend coming up though for me so that should help take the edge off.
Monday, March 17, 2008
So long story short. I was at the bottom of a freeway exit ramp, waiting to make the right. Light turned green I went, I was in front of the line, cars had started to back up behind me. What I didn't know is coming down the ramp was an older white tin can of an SUV that was recently purchased from a family member and was getting a trial run, what none of us knew was the brakes had gone out. So they tried to avoid a multiple car pileup by swinging over to the right side of the exit ramp, hoping the breaks would start working...they didn't. And as the light turned green, I went and got hit. Cops wouldn't come because we were both able to move the cars out of the street, gotta love the police these days. Called the insurance, taking the car to the shop tomorrow. Sad thing is I got the tags for the car, haven't even got the chance to put them on....Happy St. Patricks! :(
Carrots and Video Games
In part thanks to the carrots Jonathan got me good the other night when I was changing his diaper. He had a little poo, wiped that away, then came a big one, took care of that. Pulled out the dirty diaper, which was still in position, and of course, out comes more! Edith is starting to laugh as I always claimed that Jonathan was good to me and didn't do that to me. Well Edith is trying to contain the "ha ha told you so" laugh when Jonathan becomes a whiz kid all over my hand. It was very funny....especially for Edith. We took it all as a sign that it was bath time for Jonathan!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Our trip to Disneyland
We went to Disneyland this past Saturday, and we spent more time as a family there then ever. A lot of times we just park in the Downtown Disney parking, 3 hours free, catch the monorail in, walk through Main Street and head out through the shops that are "Downtown Disney", and back to the car. But we decided to make a day of it...although we ended up only being there for about 3 hours!
So although Jonathan had been a few times, this was his first trip on the tram. It was a little windy so we had him bundled up. He was good, keeping his hands, feet, and diaper inside the tram at all times.
We walked through Main Street and Frontierland stores, Jonathan ate at the Baby Center, very nice to have that area so babies can go and feed, get changed, etc, without having to go to a bathroom stall or a dark corner.
We took the tram back and hopped in the car, it had been a fun day. We picked up some cheese fries at outback and I grabbed a couple steaks from the super market and put them on the grill. They were very tasty, used a KC Masterpiece Steakhouse Marinade....better than Lawrys Marinade that's for sure. Had dinner and then we played video games together.....more on that later!
playing keyboard with aunt elizabeth
Kebyboard, guitar, vocals, Jonathan can do it all....but I will post that photo later!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Victory is Ours
This is a secondary video from our Youth Councils that I put together. We were blessed to have a great speaker, Captain Terry Masango. I am sending out DVD's to all the corps with the rewind videos as well as his messages from each day. :)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
making something in the kitchen (b/w)
What's that Jonathan is making you ask? Tee Hee Hee. Okay so not at this moment, and it didn't happen in the kitchen, but Jonathan went poo today. I know, not exactly exciting but he hadn't gone since Thursday, so we had been waiting, and waiting. Sadly it happened just moment before I got home from work so I was not there to help change to diaper. :(
Edith started a new job on Monday, she is working for the Children's Hospital doing Cancer Registry. Basiclly following up with people who have received treatment from the hospital. So far the boss loves her, but she hasn't even done anything! Well that isn't true, she just hasn't been able to do everything because she is waiting on passwords to access the database. Anyways, it gives her more time in the morning to get going and it gets her home earlier, all good things!
Edith started a new job on Monday, she is working for the Children's Hospital doing Cancer Registry. Basiclly following up with people who have received treatment from the hospital. So far the boss loves her, but she hasn't even done anything! Well that isn't true, she just hasn't been able to do everything because she is waiting on passwords to access the database. Anyways, it gives her more time in the morning to get going and it gets her home earlier, all good things!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
5 months vs 5 years vs 3 weeks
This first picture is Jonathan with Evelyn, who is 5 years old tomorrow. This was her first time really spending time with Jonathan and she was very excited about it. Her mommy will be having a baby boy in a couple months, so Eveyln is really looking forward to that and is getting in some early practice.
other picture here is Jonathan with baby Luis who is 3 weeks old. He weighed under 7 pounds when he was born, so Jonathan has always been bigger than him. You can't really tell but Edith is holding him in this picture. Luis' mom was saying how his head was heavy, Edith just smiled, she remembered the days of a small baby for just a brief moment before picking Jonathan back up.
"Pimp My Car...Seat"
Jonathan is only a few pounds away from exceeding the weight limit for his current car seat, so he is getting an upgrade. This bad boy is called a "convertable" because it can face forwards or backwards. Since Jonathan still has a long way to go until it is safe for him to sit forward this was what we needed. It even comes with a cup holder for his milk. (cup holder not pictured) :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Eye Eye Captain
Edith was really hoping Jonathan would get my eyes, but obviously the brown won out, as is normal. But he did get my eye lashes, which makes Edith very happy. I guess the girls are jealous of the naturally long and curly lashes! Jonathan will obviously be very popular with the girls.....but lets not give much thought to that for another 12-30 years yeah?
Bella and Chiquita
Bella (pronounced Bay-ya) and Chiquita get along, problem is that Chiquita is a bully! Bella is an old Chow Chow and isn't really up for all the running around and playing. Chiquita keeps pouncing on here, saying "come one, lets go, chase me!" Bella just wants to sit in the shade and have a treat.
Summer Time
It is starting to warm up a little here in SoCal, got really chilly for awhile, we even had something called "rain", for a few days. But now sunny days are here again. Jonathan is ready to go sailing but a trip in the car will just have to do.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Fresh Prince
Now this is the story all about how
my life got twisted upside down
and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In West Philadelphia born and raised
on the playground is where I spent most of my mays
chillin out, maxin, relaxin all,cool
shooting some b-balls outside of the school
when a couple of guys who were up no good
started makin trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
and said "you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"
my life got twisted upside down
and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air
In West Philadelphia born and raised
on the playground is where I spent most of my mays
chillin out, maxin, relaxin all,cool
shooting some b-balls outside of the school
when a couple of guys who were up no good
started makin trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
and said "you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Southern California Youth Councils 2008
This is why I wasn't with Edith and Jonathan this weekend. I was up till around 2 am Friday and Saturday night. Of course right when I was suppose to play it Sunday morning it flipped out and didn't want to play on the dvd player. After changing my pants...we got it working through the computer, thank God!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
OH MY! I'm 5 months old
Thanks to Edith for keeping the blog going, and for keeping me updated while up at camp. Obviously Jonathan and Edith has some fun while I was away.
Jonathan turned 5 months on Sunday, the time has just zoomed past us.
The first day I am back he gives himself a big old scratch under his eye...way to go daddy! :) I think his nails might actually grow faster than him, which is pretty impressive considering how big he is. I seriously look at him sometimes and think he is just going to walk over to me and say hello! He still isn't really into crawling around, doesn't seem to be in to much of a rush to go anywhere.
It's good to be back.
Jonathan turned 5 months on Sunday, the time has just zoomed past us.
The first day I am back he gives himself a big old scratch under his eye...way to go daddy! :) I think his nails might actually grow faster than him, which is pretty impressive considering how big he is. I seriously look at him sometimes and think he is just going to walk over to me and say hello! He still isn't really into crawling around, doesn't seem to be in to much of a rush to go anywhere.
It's good to be back.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Everything looks different...
Jonathan is beginning to roll over, but this is the first time he did it in his crib. He was so curious and wanted to see the toys that were in there with him.
Smile for the camera..
The day went by so fast that before I knew it I was getting Jonathan ready for bed!!! I can't believe Jonathan will be 5 months tomorrow. I know Jonathan missed his daddy and I missed him too but we had fun together.
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