Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Two days away

Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
On Thursday Jonathan will be 1....Looking at early pictures of him it is amazing to see the little guy he has grown into. Still not exactly sure where the time has gone, but here we are with a one year old baby boy....

Speaking of the word baby, that is his newest word, he mostly says it when he is upset or wants something, as if to say "Don't forget I'm the baby!"

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Splishin' and a Splashin'

In 6 days and about 21 hours Jonathan will turn 1! Wow, where has the year gone. I look back at all these pictures, and I read some of the posts along the way and struggle to comprehend how it all went by so fast. Jonathan has been such an awesome little baby, and now....he will become a super awesome little boy.

I heard about this thing called the "terrible two's", but nobody ever warned me about the "splashy one's"!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jonathan the Explorer

Jonathan is so curious, he loves to crawl and explore like all babies I am sure. He will pull himself up high, and he will lay flat on his belly, whatever it takes to get to or see what interests him.

two best friends

We occasionaly have sesame street on in the room or out in the living room as Jonathan plays in his crib, crawls around, or rests in our arms. It seems he is starting to recognize the characters as the ones he shares a crib with. There are these dvd's "sesame beginings", for babies and kids, we have a couple and pop them in, lots of music and moving, Jonathan likes to shake his booty to them!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

cowboy up

cowboy up
Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
Thank you all for your continued prayers regards Edith's family, they are appreciated. The memorial service will be this upcoming Sunday.

In just two weeks this our little cowboy is going to be a one year old boy. You are all invited to the party on Thursday night.....but considering most who read this are out of state I don't plan on your attendance, but know I will eat a piece of cake in your honor.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

prayer request

Please keep Edith's family in your prayers. Her Grandmother, her fathers mom, passed away today after a relatively short battle, considering when it was discovered, with liver cancer. Because of different circumstances there was not much they could do to help because of how far advanced the cancer was. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bronco from birth

Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
Almost one year ago Edith took this picture of me while she sat in the hospital bed. It had been a crazy 48 hours and we were now blessed by having a beautiful baby boy. Nothing can come close to how lucky and blessed I felt on that day to have a healthy baby in my arms after all we went through during the pregnancy.

Speaking of lucky....."my" Broncos got very lucky this past Sunday, some very poor referee work handed the Broncos a couple extra chances in the game and we were able to defeat the San Diego Chargers. I feel a little bad about it.....but a win is a win.

Friday, September 12, 2008

10 years

I just saw that my graduating class is having their 10 year reunion next month. That is so crazy to me, I can not believe 10 years have gone by since I graduated High School. I still have the same golf clubs that I got as a graduation present...wow I need to upgrade!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

3 words

Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
Jonathan really has 3 words down....


Well when he says it, it sounds more like balloom, but he knows what it is. Walk into a party store or a grocery store and he is sure to look up and see a BALLOOM!

cousin cherilee

cousin cherilee
Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
My counsin Cherilee is in town visiting my Aunt, she finally got the chance to see Jonathan in person. We also got to see my "cousin" Megan, Cherilee's daughter.

A horse...of course.

my new ride
Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
A big....strike that giant thank you to Major Gil Roman. He made this horse from hand. Actually he made two, he didn't think the first one was up to snuff, so he started again and no words could properly describe how amazing a gift like this is. It isn't a matter of all the bells and whistles, doesn't have batteries or make horse noies, it is just an amazing thing that you just don't see much of anymore. Something hand made out of kindness and love for another.

So a big thank you once again to Major Gil.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today was my Birthday. Edith put on a great Broncos vs. Raiders party for me. We had the TV room all decked out in orange and blue. She even made custom signs with her CriCut scrapbook lettering machine!

The Broncos kicked some Raider booty, which made the night even better! A lot of people came over, which was weird for me since I am not used to big birthday parties, never exactly rolled with a bunch of friends growing up so it was mostly a couple friends and family each year. So with a bunch of the young adults from church coming over it really was a party. I even let the Raider fans in.....they left much more quietly than they came though.

The funniest moment of the night was when we realized we didn't have any candles for the cake. Edith..thinking swiftly...grabbed a baby elmo candle that was part of a pack that we bought for Jonathan's cake next month. So for my 29th birthday I made a wish while blowing out a flame on top of baby elmo's head.

Thanks to all that came and all that sent cards and made phone calls.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tub Time Talking

Things have gotten back to normal pretty fast. Yesterday, late afternoon we dropped of my mom at the airport. She had been here for 2 weeks and we enjoyed every moment we could get with her, and I know she enjoyed the time she had with us....especially Jonathan.

We had a calm evening at home Thursday night, and then Friday night Young Adult class this evening. This Sunday I have to work, the Welcoming of the new DC, but then I get Monday off...which is nice because it is my birthday and Broncos vs Raiders monday night football. So expect lots of pictures of Jonathan and his daddy in their bronco gear!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Perfect Smile

Perfect Smile
Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
New favorite photo. Check out that smile!

Jonathan is 11 months old today! :) One more month to go until he is a year, it is hard to believe.