Monday, February 26, 2007

We're having a baby!

Before you hear about it from somewhere else, we just wanted to let you all know, Edith is pregnant. Ten weeks pregnant to be more specific, and although we have been keeping the news on the down low we figured it was only a matter of time before the news got out. So before you heard it from someone else, you can say you read it here first!!!

The youngest of the Bawden Grandkids is going to be having a baby, that must make some people feel pretty old! Well, it was only a matter of time, and Edith and I are very happy that the time has come.

So my plan is to post updates on here, whatever updates there can be over the next 6 months.


Auntie M. said...

Congratulations! Thrilled for you and Edith. We will look at your blog as often as we can for updates. Leave it to you, to make the announcement in this format! God bless you, all three!

Auntie M. said...

In case you can't figure it out, "Auntie M." is the eldest of the "Bawden kids".......writing to the youngest "Bawden grandkid."
Auntie M.

Anonymous said...

Okay...although I had a little "secret advanced update" on this news, I must say I think the blog is pretty neat! Looking forward to seeing what gets posted.

Never seen a baby blog before, but I am not the technology whiz like my "baby brother!"

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! That's cool news! Congratulations, you guys!

Love, Noelle