First off I would like to thank all those keeping up on the blog. We discovered after commissioning weekend that people were keeping up to date. I am glad you find the blog entertaining, in return all I ask for is your continued prayers.
Baby Williams experienced his first concert tonight. We went and saw a bunch of groups at the Gibson Ampitheater at Universal Studios City Walk. Edith's brother and sister came along to see Relient K, but we went to see Jeremy Camp, our favorite. It was a good concert, every now and then the baby would give a big kick, we can only assume that he was dancing or was saying "TURN IT DOWN!!!".
My younger son used to go crazy in my belly every time he heard the theme music to that corny WB show, "Seventh Heaven".
That, and the fact that I craved Spam 24/7 during my second trimester may explain his many strange quirks.....
Good to see you for that brief moment on the stairs over Commissioning weekend!
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