Great moments in my life.
Marrying Edith
Find out I am going to be a dad
Visiting a real life Kwik-E-Mart.
As part of the marketing for the new Simpsons movie they turned a dozen 7-11's into Kwik-E-Marts in the US. Two in the LA area, so off to Burbank I went with my friend, and golfing buddy Matt.
It was totally awesome, bought a pink donut,had a squishy, and some buzz cola. Another co-worker found Krusty-O's cereal at another 711 and got them for me. Wonderful!!!!
Baby names possiblities???? Homer, Bart, Barney, Moe, Clancy, BumbleBee Man???? Okay maybe not. But still, it was very cool.
Actual baby news. We had another doctors appointment, all is well. We go back in 3 weeks, and then every 2 weeks after that.