Between eating better, and exercising I think it is safe to say that Edith is one of the few women who has actually gotten into better shape as the pregnancy has gone along. Now that we are entering the last 2 months, and things are bound to become more difficult, it makes me happy to know she is doing so well...As I sit here typing this she is doing yoga "opposite limb extension", to be specific!
As I have said, the baby is kicking a lot more. Last night I had my hand on Edith's stomach and he was kicking away. He often calms down after it is there for awhile, but this time he decided to pick up the pace. He kicked so hard it actually bounced my finger off the stomach. "He's going to be a soccer player...yes he is, yes he is".
This picture is from birthday party we recently went to.
Thats great edith's being so healthy! Excercising and eating better makes for an easier labor.. so keep it up! :)
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