Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One Year Doctor Visit

Go horsie Go
Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
Yesterday we went to the doctor, Jonathan got his shots, which he wasn't to happy about of course. But he quickly got over it and seems to be doing very well. He weighed in just over 25 lbs, which is about what he was a couple months ago. He is 31 inches, so he continues to grow but seems to be replacing fat with muscle, he is a good sized 18 month old baby according to the doctor.

There was some concern that his head was to big as it was sort of off the charts, compared to the rest of him, but we are back on the charts now so that was good to hear....but still......a big head to balance.

Sad news regarding Autotopia, we went back on the 4th to ride and discovered on October 1st the changed the ride requirements from you must be at least 1 to ride, to a height limit, Jonathan is just a few inches shy of it, so sadly we did not go on. We were pretty bummed that we decided to wait till Jonathan was one, to make it special, even though we could have obviously lied, and then have it changed to a height limit. The guy at the front of the line said they were caught off guard, they showed up that monday and they had added the height requirement and raised the one for ride alone drivers.