Sunday, February 10, 2008

Play Time

Play Time
Originally uploaded by
This is Jonathan in his Baby Einstein activity center. However he only got to play for a little bit because he is still a little to small for it. We put a pillow below his feet so that his feet were not just hanging. Plus he still needs to work on his ability to sit up all by himself, he's getting better at that one. That noggin of his is just hard to balance! A co-worker, June Loo got us this, and he really likes it. He was able to shift his weight and spin his chair to the different activities.


Tricia said...

The spinning, bouncing seats are the BEST. We had one that entertained Chris and Shannon as babies, some daycare kiddos, and then our friends' 2 kids. Everyone loves them! I'm sure Jonathan will be able to maneuver in it in no time.