Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day 2 - Revenge of the baby

We had a nice Thanksgiving, Jonathan obviously is a "little" bigger this year. He didn't have any Turkey but did have a small bite of pumpkin pie.

Edith and family are off looking for sales, I bought Transformers on BluRay online for $10, I'm done for the day, going back to bed.

Christmas here we come!

FLASHBACK Thanksgiving 2007

Monday, November 24, 2008

here comes the parade

Jonathan really loves the parades at Disneyland. He gets so excited to see all the characters moving around, he claps to the music and even waves on occasion. Funny thing is he gets really shy when we actually go to take a picture with a character, still getting used to it I'm sure.

Things here have been crazy, I preached at my first ever regular worship service this past Sunday night. I've done it before with teens and young adults but not with adults. I was nervous and a bit jittery but got through okay. It was a blessing and a cool opportunity, not something I think I would want to have to do every week don't be getting any ideas out there!

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving, A couple more holiday events but the big ones are out of the way, so I may finally have a chance to be updating more often again.

Excited that in less than 2 months we are going back to Disney World!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

jonathan walking

Jonathan is getting more and more confident in walking as you can see in this video.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My bottle

My bottle
Originally uploaded by
It is that busy time of the year for me, so I am afraid that the postings are not getting up as fast as I would like. But here is a list of some of the latest happenings for Jonathan and the family.

Jonathan is eating mostly out of the bottle now, and is even taking it upon himself to hold the bottle and eat at his own pace. He is pretty good about not tossing it around and we have been impressed with how well he does.

We are getting very close to having a full on walking baby. He walks pretty well now when you hold both his hands, and although he is a little more wobbly he will also walk for awhile at your side when holding just one hand.

We just got back from Men's camp, it wasn't to intense for me so got a little family time in.

Chiquita has an eye ulcer in her left eye, something that pugs are more likely to get than some other breeds because of the way their eyes are. So now she has to get a few rounds of eye drops each day and some other medicine. They said it looks like it was caught in time and things should be okay.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

picking out ornaments

Edith and I have a tradition, the first year we got married we bought our Christmas tree the first Saturday of November. Ever since we have done our best to start decorating around that time each year. Last year was obviously difficult, Jonathan was just a month old, Edith was still recovering, and I was learning how to be a daddy. This year we are making up for it.

We started decorating this past weekend, the tree is up with all the ornaments, my Simpsons Christmas Train, 16 pieces as of now, is on display along with other nice Christmas items we have collected over the years, Jonathan even has a couple Sesame Street stockings hanging around the house. Still to come are the outside lights, but those can wait till Thanksgiving time.

Jonathan had lots of fun with the plastic ball ornaments, kid friendly! He did his best to put them on the tree, he would put his hand out and act like he was going to put it on, then quickly snatch it back, not to sure about this tree thing..