Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
Haven't updated the blog in a long time, it seems to get more and more difficult to do so.

Jonathan is a little sick right now, nothing to bad, still running around and being wild and crazy, just with a snotty nose! He amazes us with how smart he is, the words he can say, or tries to say, and even more so in the way he tries to copy everything his mommy and daddy do. From climbing up onto chairs to drinking out of water bottles, to laying down in the bed and getting under the covers.

Jonathan is progressing in that he doesn't need to be rocked to sleep anymore, but he still wants somebody next to him, holding him, as he fades off to sleep. Progress.

He loves to eat! He is a little picky and is happy to share whatever he doesn't like with Chiquita!