Monday, October 29, 2007

What a team

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Well Brett Farve burned the Broncos in overtime tonight but thats okay. Jonathan and I had a good time watching the game together. There are a couple more photos up on the flickr site. Just click this picture to get to them.

A small prayer request. Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers as in regards to health. Work is busy for me, which often makes my immune system drop, Edith obviously gets very little rest, and Jonathan needs your continued prayers and support for happy health.


Ronalee Fenrich said...

I love this picture of your son in the Broncos uniform! My younger son came home from the hospital wearing a baby Angels uniform, and went to his first game when he was just a couple of weeks I totally understand the need to "teach" your son early about team allegience!

I'll be praying for each of you (Jonathan, too) to get the rest you so desperately need....

Anonymous said...

this is sooo cute!!