Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Grandma and me take a dip

I noticed how few photos I have uploaded, and how few posts have gone up this month. It was a crazy month with a couple events including Latino Family Camp this past weekend.

All went well at camp but between the normal A/V stuff and helping lead the teen classes Saturday and Sunday morning we never got much "family" time.

My mom is in town for a few days, staying with my Aunt. She is actually helping my Aunt around the house as she recently had some surgery. We decided to visit the pool on Monday, Jonathan did great.

Of course he was a bit nervous at first, but his mommy got him used to the water and before you knew what happened he was splashing around and having a good time.


Tricia said...

Looks like fun! The picture reminds me of one of my own favorite baby shots with me in the pool with our Grandma Williams.