Monday, November 24, 2008

here comes the parade

Jonathan really loves the parades at Disneyland. He gets so excited to see all the characters moving around, he claps to the music and even waves on occasion. Funny thing is he gets really shy when we actually go to take a picture with a character, still getting used to it I'm sure.

Things here have been crazy, I preached at my first ever regular worship service this past Sunday night. I've done it before with teens and young adults but not with adults. I was nervous and a bit jittery but got through okay. It was a blessing and a cool opportunity, not something I think I would want to have to do every week don't be getting any ideas out there!

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving, A couple more holiday events but the big ones are out of the way, so I may finally have a chance to be updating more often again.

Excited that in less than 2 months we are going back to Disney World!