Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Long awaited update

Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
Things have been crazy. Christmas was great, especially for Jonathan, he is still enjoying all his toys. He loves his drum set, we are thankful that the word "soft" is in his vocabulary base, though it only seems to work for a few seconds before he is at full volume again. He enjoys chatting with his new Elmo, and even gives him hugs. He has a new slide that he is pretty brave on as well.

We had a great morning, the rain had cleared so we decided to go to Disneyland for a little bit, as we were getting ready to leave it starting pouring rain! I guess it hadn't cleared after all! Thankfully we had brought the rain cover for Jonathan's stroller, Edith had a nice hooded winter jacket, I however had a somewhat thin fabric jacket on and got totally soaked.

Friday we hosted our young adult dinner at the corps, we had about 30 people there, it was a bit more work than I had anticipated but well worth it. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and as far as potlucks go it was very tasty! I made a carmel apple cheesecake...may have been my best ever! I also made a chocolate mouse cheesecake, didn't try it, but had good comments.

I am still trying to make time to get some videos posted, sorry for the delay.