Tuesday, May 6, 2008

go broncos!

go broncos
Originally uploaded by dougjsimpson79@yahoo.com
Football season is getting close and Jonathan is getting ready! Sorry about the lack of updates I have been swamped getting things ready for Espiritu and helping out with it. Espiritu was a play put on by the Larsson Bro's, it is the Gowans/Larsson "Spirit" musical but in spanish. It went great, but one of the main things I helped out with was setup and tear down, and being at all the last practices because I ran the projection. So now I am home and ready to relax a bit, bummer thing is now Edith, Jonathan, and me all are feeling sick with head colds. If you want to watch Espiritu it is suppose to be posted on Wed at www.usw.salvationarmy.org/espiritu