Monday, March 17, 2008

Carrots and Video Games

Although I don't have a picture of us all playing it mostly because it is hard to take a picture when your playing, we now have the game RockBand. It comes with a drumset, guitar, and microphone. And everybody does there part to play along to songs, it is really fun, and a little addicting. Here is Jonathan getting ready to play on his very own guitar, the RockBand one is a bit bigger!

Jonathan is expanding his menu selection every couple weeks, we are giving carrots a try now. I tried to get as much of it in his mouth as possible but wasn't doing a very good job. Edith seems to do a much better job, but it doesn't supply as funny of an end result picture

In part thanks to the carrots Jonathan got me good the other night when I was changing his diaper. He had a little poo, wiped that away, then came a big one, took care of that. Pulled out the dirty diaper, which was still in position, and of course, out comes more! Edith is starting to laugh as I always claimed that Jonathan was good to me and didn't do that to me. Well Edith is trying to contain the "ha ha told you so" laugh when Jonathan becomes a whiz kid all over my hand. It was very funny....especially for Edith. We took it all as a sign that it was bath time for Jonathan!